The Prayer Shawl Ministry was begun an number of years ago, with the goal of using an individual's love and talent in a tangible way, through knitting or crochet, to wrap another in prayer during their time of need. These shawls are then blessed and distributed by anyone who requests one. The request might be for themself, or for someone they know who is in need of prayer.
The shawls become a powerful sign of the warmth of God's love. People who might benefit from receiving a shawl are the shut-ins, a person going through medical concerns, those in hospice, someone going through a time of loss during bereavement, or simply in need of prayer.
The ministry is one that can be done anytime, anywhere. But there is also a time where those who wish to gather together to share prayer, and work on their gifts of love and support.
Our prayer shawl ministry meet in person once a month (the last Tuesday of the month at 10:00AM.
Finished shawls are blessed anytime there is a need, but also in a public blessing at Mass each year in the Fall.