"Lord, open my lips...
And my mouth will proclaim your praise."
To assist new lectors and to encourage a uniform procedure among all lectors, we offer the following guidelines for lectors and for all ministers of the Word.
First, thank you. Thank you for sharing your gift of time, both in preparing to proclaim the Word in advance of, and then proclaiming the Word at the community celebrations. Your dedication is a gift to the whole community and we are grateful for it.
The Procession:
• If present, a deacon will carry the Book of the Gospels in the procession, therefore the lectors will take their seat in the congregation. When possible, try to sit in the center, near the front so there is no extended delay in meeting at the center aisle.
• If there is no deacon, the first lector carries the Book of the Gospels, elevated slightly in the procession, following the altar servers and preceding the priest.
• When you arrive at the steps of the sanctuary, do not stop. Walk up the steps, go around the altar.
• Immediately place the Book of the Gospels in the center of the altar face up.
• Once the Gospel is on the altar, bow to the altar and take your place in the congregation.
Proclamation of the Word:
• After the Opening Prayer, the lectors (and cantor) meet in the center aisle, bow to the altar, and walk single file to the side of the ambo. The first lector should take his or her position at the ambo. The second lector and the cantor should stand to the side of the ambo (not behind).
• Relax. Find the beginning of the reading. Adjust the microphone if necessary. It is sensitive and should pick up your voice without a problem. If you notice that hard consonants are causing a popping sound, move the microphone away from your mouth.
• Look at the congregation and begin reading as it is written in the lectionary. "A reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah" Do not add additional text, such as "Our first reading is a reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah."
• Proclaim the reading loudly enough so that everyone can hear. Read slowly. Most of us read too fast, especially when we are nervous. Give yourself the chance to pronounce the words clearly so the congregation can understand each and every word. Group the words into phrases. Allow yourself to pause after a phrase. Group the phrases into clauses and pause after the clauses. Don’t wait for a period to stop. Sometimes the meaning requires you to come to full stop several times during a long sentence.
• At the end of the reading, look at the people, pause slightly, and say, "The Word of the Lord." (Please note, the former phrase included "This is…". That has been omitted and should not be said. The pause should not be overly emphasized. It should only be long enough to separate the text from the acclamation.
• If the psalm is not sung, the first lector will proclaim the psalm. Pause a good 15 to 20 seconds if this occurs. Begin by proclaiming the response without any introduction. For example, say, "With the Lord there is mercy, and fullness of redemption." Not, "The responsorial psalm is..." or "The response is..."
• After the people repeat the response, proclaim the verse. Do not repeat the response with the people. Try to use the inflection in your voice. After the people say the response, continue with the next verse. When the psalm is completed, pause. Then step to the side of the ambo and take your place with the other lector and cantor. Remain in that location until the conclusion of the readings.
• After the cantor has lead the singing of the psalm, the second lector takes his or her position at the ambo and proclaims the second reading in the same manner as described above.
• At the end of the second reading, close the lectionary and place it on the shelf of the ambo. With the other lector (and cantor), return to the center aisle. At the center aisle, the lectors (and cantor) bow to the altar and then return to their seats.
The Prayer of the Faithful:
• If there is no deacon present, the second lector reads the intercessions, or the Prayer of the Faithful. As the congregation recites the creed, the second lector should approach the same location they held while waiting to proclaim the readings to the right of the ambo, this time without any bow to the altar.
• Time your arrival so that you are in position as the Creed concludes. Moving when the congregation being "We believe in the Holy Spirit...." usually allows for the appropriate timing. You can step up to the ambo, take the intercessions from the shelf, and be ready to pray them after the priest introduces the prayer.
• Read them as they are written. At the end of each intercession, look at the people and say: "We pray to the Lord." After the people respond, "Lord, hear our prayer." Read the next intercession.
• After the people respond to the last intercession, turn toward the priest and remain standing at the ambo while the priest concludes the prayer. After the "Amen", replace the intercessions on the shelf of the ambo, then, and return to your seat. Please do not leave the ambo until the prayer is concluded.
• The Gospels are not carried out at the end of Mass.